Andalucians Will Spend an Average of €87 in New Year’s Sales

Andalucians Will Spend €87 on Average in New Year's Sales

Granada residents are expected to splash the most on sales, followed by Seville shoppers (pictured) - Image Source: EWN Media Group

AS ANDALUCIANS hit the high streets for New Year’s sales, research has revealed that the average shopper will spend around €87.

Research conducted through telephone and social media surveys by the Union de Consumidores de Andalucia (UCA) has revealed that average consumers will spend €87 during New Year’s sales.

This marks a decrease of 8% from 2020 when the average shopper splashed €95. The top categories of goods purchased by consumers are expected to be clothing, making up 54.96% of shopping with the average shopper expected to pay just under 50 euro on textile goods.

Footwear and accessories will take a share of 16.62% of sales spending, with around €16.62 spent by most shoppers. Household goods come in at 25.9%, while around 30% of sales are expected to take place through online e-commerce platforms.

Granada shoppers will spend the most on average (€86), followed by Sevilla (€94), Malaga (€92), and Almeria (€91). Meanwhile, Huelva consumers will spend a low average of (€76), less than Jaen (€79), Cordoba (€81), and Cadiz (€86).

The New Year sales traditionally begin on January 7, after The Three Kings festival has been celebrated, and lasts until the second Saturday in March.

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Oisin Sweeney

Oisin is an Irish writer based in Seville, the sunny capital of Andalucia. After starting his working life as a bookseller, he moved into journalism and cut his teeth as a reporter at one of Ireland's biggest news websites. Since joining Euro Weekly News in November, he has enjoyed covering the latest stories from Seville, Spain and further afield - with special interests in crime, cybersecurity, and European politics. Anyone who can pronounce his name first try gets a free cerveza...
