WATCH: Mallorca capital council public appeal to put a stop to mask and glove litter

APPEAL: The video points out the possible risks to health and to the environment CREDIT: Ajuntament de Palma youtube

PALMA city council has launched a campaign calling on the public to be careful with how they throw away used face masks and gloves.

The authority has produced a video in which it appeals to people to behave responsibly and not simply toss masks and gloves on the ground because of the health risk, but also because of the harm to the environment.
The video depicts typical scenarios like someone emerging from a supermarket and carelessly yanking off plastic gloves and a woman aiming a mask at a rubbish bin as she passes, but missing and just leaving it where it falls.

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Cathy Elelman

Cathy Elelman is the local writer for the Costa de Almeria edition of the Euro Weekly News.

Based in Mojacar for the last 21 years, Cathy is very much part of the local community and is always well and truly up on all the latest news and events going on in this region of Spain.

Her top goals are to do the best job she can informing the local English-speaking community, visitors to the area and the wider world about about the news in Almeria, to learn something new every day, and to embrace very new challenge this fast-changing world brings her way.

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