Covid numbers in Spain – Tuesday, February 15

Here are the Covid numbers in Spain, for Tuesday, February 15, released by the Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health released the Covid numbers in Spain on Tuesday, February 15, collected from the autonomous communities. They show that a total of 34,380 new cases of the virus have been registered in the last 24 hours, after the 68,706 infections reported on Monday 14.

Since the start of the pandemic in Spain, this brings the total number of positives to 10,707,286 cases. Tuesday’s health data reflect a decrease in infections compared to the previous week, in which 43,831 positives were registered.

Tuesday’s figures show that the accumulated incidence has been reduced by 102 points, standing at 1,142.13 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days. This is compared to 1,244.44 points on Monday.

Another 310 deaths have been added in the report. This means that a total of 96,906 people with a positive diagnostic test have died since the virus arrived in Spain, 625 in the last week.

In a statement presented at a virtual meeting with the media, Hans Kluge, the Belgian director of the European office of the World Health Organization (WHO), warned of how the Omicron variant is expanding in Eastern Europe.

“In the last two weeks, Covid-19 cases have more than doubled in six countries in this part of the region, specifically, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine. As anticipated, the wave of Omicron is moving east. 10 eastern member states have already detected this variant”, as reported by


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Written by

Chris King

Originally from Wales, Chris spent years on the Costa del Sol before moving to the Algarve where he is a web reporter for The Euro Weekly News covering international and Spanish national news. Got a news story you want to share? Then get in touch at
