Three guards stabbed by a man in Sevilla hospital

Three guards stabbed by a man in Sevilla hospital

Three guards stabbed by a man in Sevilla hospital. image: google maps

A man was arrested after he attacked and stabbed three guards at the Virgen de Valme hospital in Sevilla

A man stabbed three private security guards and an orderly, at the Virgen de Valme Hospital in Sevilla on the evening of Tuesday, February 1. One of the guards is seriously injured, with a very deep cut on his back, at the top of the shoulder blade.

The alleged perpetrator of the attack was arrested shortly after by the National Police. He spent the night in the hospital under police custody, until mid-morning, when he was discharged and transferred to the police station.

According to police sources, the events occurred at around 9:30. A man was very upset in the psychiatry area of the hospital, forcing a guard to intervene to calm him down. However, the irritated man pulled out two knives and began attacking the security guard. He also injured an orderly, and two other guards who came to support their colleague.

Several patrols from the National Police were deployed to the facility after a call was received at around 9.42pm. They promptly arrested the 32-year-old aggressor, who had earlier been overpowered by the guards. Doctors also administered sedatives to quieten the man.
He was subsequently admitted to the Mental Health area of the same Valme hospital while being charged with felony bodily harm. The next morning he was discharged, guarded by two police officers, and in a wheelchair. They transferred him to the police station.
According to health sources, the detainee had gone to the hospital at around 3pm, and spent several hours without anyone attending him. He became increasingly more agitated, until, when he was finally seen by the psychiatrist at around 8:30pm, he began to behave very aggressively.
There is confusion surrounding the incident. Some sources suggest that the man wanted to stay in the hospital and the psychiatrist discharged him, while others indicate the opposite version. In other words, he intended to go to his house and the doctor ordered his involuntary admission.

His assault was carried out with two curved-blade knives, originally designed in Indonesia, called a karambit, using one in each hand. An investigation is still open into the incident, and the three injured are recovering at their homes, as reported by


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Written by

Chris King

Originally from Wales, Chris spent years on the Costa del Sol before moving to the Algarve where he is a web reporter for The Euro Weekly News covering international and Spanish national news. Got a news story you want to share? Then get in touch at
