Andalucia Rejects Outright The Spanish Government's Hospitality And Nightlife Restrictions

Andalucia Rejects Outright The Spanish Government's Hospitality And Nightlife Restrictions

Andalucia Rejects Outright The Spanish Government's Hospitality And Nightlife Restrictions. image: Junta de Andalucia

Andalucia Rejects Outright The Spanish Government’s Hospitality And Nightlife Restrictions.
The Junta de Andalucía has repeated it’s absolute rejection of the new restrictions imposed upon the hospitality and nightlife sectors this week by the Spanish Government and has announced that it will maintain its de-escalation plan regardless of any decision made in Moncloa.
A spokesman for the Junta de Andalucía and counselor of the Presidency, Public Administration and Interior, Elías Bendodo, has warned the central Executive that it does not want Andalucia to ruin these sectors, which have already “been severely punished throughout the pandemic.”
This Friday, the vice president of the Board, Juan Marín, already expressed the position of the regional government, assuring, along the same lines, that “we will not abide by” the new measures approved in the Interterritorial Council, since they represent a ” brutal invasion of powers ” by the Ministry of Health.
Marín also expressed his wish to remind the government that the hotel industry and nightlife in Andalucia account for more than 50,000 businesses and employ almost 300,000 Andalucians who generate 18,800 million euros, accounting for seven percent of the wealth in the region.
The president of the Andalucian Federation of Hospitality Entrepreneurs and the Malaga Hoteliers Association (Mahos), Javier Frutos, expressed the sector’s “disagreement” with the new restrictions published this Saturday, June 5, in the Official Gazette of the State (BOE) on the limitations of its activity based on the epidemiological situation of Covid-19.

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Ron Howells

Ron actually started his working career as an Ophthalmic Technician- things changed when, during a band rehearsal, his amplifier blew up and he couldn’t get it fixed so he took a course at Birmingham University and ended up doing a degree course. He built up a chain of electronics stores and sold them as a franchise over 35 years ago. After five years touring the world Ron decided to move to Spain with his wife and son, a place they had visited over the years, and only bought the villa they live in because it has a guitar-shaped swimming pool!. Playing the guitar since the age of 7, he can often be seen, (and heard!) at beach bars and clubs along the length of the coast. He has always been interested in the news and constantly thrives to present his articles in an interesting and engaging way.
