Britain Secures Most Advanced Post-Brexit Trade Deal Yet

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Britain strikes new trade deal with Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein. Image: Wikipedia

Britain has secured new deal with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein and it is the most advanced post-Brexit trade deal with the trio yet, the government claims.

The deal aims to boost critical British sectors like digital, slash tariffs on high-quality British food and farm products and support jobs.

It was agreed in principle today, June 4, and is the first time the three European countries have included dedicated chapters on digital trade and small businesses in any trade deal, making it the most advanced they have done to date.

The agreement significantly cuts tariffs as high as 277 percent for exporters to Norway of West Country Farmhouse Cheddar, Orkney Scottish Island Cheddar, Traditional Welsh Caerphilly, and Yorkshire Wensleydale cheese. There are also tariff reductions and quotas on pork, poultry and other goods. UK wines and spirits including Scotch Whisky will also now be recognised in Norway and Iceland.

Reduced import tariffs on shrimps, prawns and haddock will reduce costs for UK fish processing, and support some 18,000 jobs in Scotland, East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire, the government said.

“Today’s deal will be a major boost for our trade with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, growing an economic relationship already worth £21.6 billion, while supporting jobs and prosperity in all four nations at home,” said Liz Truss, the International Trade Secretary.

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Deirdre Tynan

Deirdre Tynan is an award-winning journalist who enjoys bringing the best in news reporting to Spain’s largest English-language newspaper, Euro Weekly News. She has previously worked at The Mirror, Ireland on Sunday and for news agencies, media outlets and international organisations in America, Europe and Asia. A huge fan of British politics and newspapers, Deirdre is equally fascinated by the political scene in Madrid and Sevilla. She moved to Spain in 2018 and is based in Jaen.
