Recycle glass and help to feed a family

Launching the 1 x 1 campaign in Palma

Launching the 1 x 1 campaign in Palma Credit: Emaya

RESIDENTS of Palma de Mallorca have until December 15 to drop off their empty glass bottles and jars into one of 10 specially marked containers placed strategically around the city with a promise that for every kilo of glass deposited Ecovidrio will give the Food Bank Foundation 1 kilo of food.
Working in collaboration with Emaya and the Palma Council, Ecovidrio has placed the containers in: Plaça de Santa Eulàlia, Gremi de Corredors, Plaça de la Porta de Santa Catalina, Parc de les Estacions, l’Escorxador, Plaça del Progrés, Carrer de Blanquerna (home) and Carrer de Blanquerna, corner of Carrer de Bartomeu Well, Plaza de Gomila and Plaza de Madrid.
The Mayor of Palma, José Hila, has encouraged everyone Emaya
to take part in this campaign, which combines a wish to help those in need together with the environmental purpose of recycling glass.
This campaign is carried out throughout the nation, in 44 Spanish municipalities, where Ecovidrio has installed 152 containers.
Thank you for taking the time to read this news article “Recycle glass and help to feed a family”.

Written by

John Smith

Married to Ophelia in Gibraltar in 1978, John has spent much of his life travelling on security print and minting business and visited every continent except Antarctica. Having retired several years ago, the couple moved to their house in Estepona and John became a regular news writer for the EWN Media Group taking particular interest in Finance, Gibraltar and Costa del Sol Social Scene. Currently he is acting as Editorial Consultant for the paper helping to shape its future development. Share your story with us by emailing, by calling +34 951 38 61 61 or by messaging our Facebook page
