A good day’s fishing for Teulada-Moraira Fishing Club

A good day’s fishing for Teulada-Moraira Fishing Club

RIVER JUCAR: Favourite spot for Teulada-Moraira Fishing Club Photo credit: Paco.Cuenca Wikiloc

TEULADA-MORAIRA FISHING CLUB visited Section C of the River Jucar for their latest Winter League match.
There was a great turnout of 14 contestants with Steve Hartwell on Peg Four landing 14.9 kilos, the best catch of the day. Steve was also responsible for Best Fish of the Day, with a 6.2-kilo carp.
Second-best went to Graham Sewell close behind on (unlucky for some) Peg 13 with a total of 14.2 kilos.
Water temperature was 20 degrees, with the air temperature eventually rising to 21 degrees after a cloudy start.
Overall, it was a good day’s fishing, with a total of 168 fish weighing in at 100 kilos and only one person returning an empty net.
“We are a very friendly club and always happy to welcome new members,” said secretary Jeff Richards.
For further information contact Frank Povey (96 649 0338 and frank.povey@btopenworld.com) or call Ray Craig on 966 492 083.

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Written by

Linda Hall

Originally from the UK, Linda is based in Valenca and is a reporter for The Euro Weekly News covering local news. Got a news story you want to share? Then get in touch at editorial@euroweeklynews.com.
