Farmers hold rally in Spain's Mallorca to urge civilians to shop local

Some 200 people converged in Campos in Spain's Mallorca. Credit: G.Vicens.

FARMERS held a rally in Spain’s Mallorca to raise awareness on the importance of consuming local produce to ensure the survival of the island’s agricultural sector.
Organised by the Union of Farmers in Mallorca, Asaja-Balears, the Union of Small Farmers and the Livestock-Agricultural Association (UPA-AIA), a group of approximately 200 people congregated at the entrance of Campos on Saturday, February 8.
Alongside 20 tractors, members of the UPA-AIA milked a cow during the rally to highlight the issues facing its production on the island and the need to now import the good to meet demand in the market.
A spokesperson for the protest cited the various problems that are negatively impacting the viability of farms in the Balearic Islands. This includes the high production costs of locally sourced crops in Mallorca, which “are not acceptable to farmers as sales prices have not made parallel increases.”
For this reason, they ask for solutions from the Consell de Mallorca and the Balearic Government to fight a “series of injustices” which requires collaboration from all members of the community.

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Written by

Isha Sesay
