Spain’s Government pushed to BAN fox hunting after petition garners 200,000 signatures

A PETITION to demand that fox hunting is banned in Spain has garnered more than 209,000 signatures.

Launched by the ‘Asociación Animalista Libera’ through, the organisation calls for the hunting of foxes using dogs to be prohibited in Galicia, as states that it is “one of the cruelest modalities.”

In a statement released today (January 25), the association asks that the criminality of the ‘sport’ is implemented so that “the cruelty or mistreatment of wildlife is classified as a crime.” They also ask that the use of dogs in these practices are suspended “as causes cruel behaviour with other animals.”

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The government is being asked to make fox hunting illegal in Spain. Credit: PACMA.

In addition, they urge the City Council of Galicia to stop “promoting the savage cruelty”, and ask that “championships to slaughter foxes” that have remained in the calendar for several years to be banned. They add that fox hunting also poses a danger to citizens, and has resulted in the death of 16 people in the last decade.

The Association also criticised the Spanish Government who “finances shotguns with public money through agreements with the Ministry of Environment which is an indirect way to organise these undercover killings as pseudo-competitions.”

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Written by

Isha Sesay
