Mallorca News Top Story: Good news for ITV appointments across Mallorca

mallorca news

From January, residents will be granted an ITV appointment within 13 days. Credit: P. Pellicer.

IN response to the overwhelming demand for ITV (Inspección Técnica de Vehículos) appointments in Mallorca, the government have announced that 21 new inspectors will be added to the service from January 2.
Iván Sevillano, the Minister of Mobility for the Consell de Mallorca, revealed that the increase in inspectors will “drastically reduce the waiting times for residents”, from 3 months to 13 days.
Sevillano added that the the council are committed to improving the roadworthiness service, so much so that those under contract to carry out the inspections will receive a penalty if they fail to meet the strict guidelines. This could mean a fine of up to €150,000 for stations that exceed 31 days to grant an appointment.
Sevillano has asked residents affected by the service to remain patient, citing the council’s efforts to improve the ITV in comparison to Ibiza, who wait up to 7 months to be seen.

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Written by

Isha Sesay
