Senior Guardia Civil officer in Algeciras held on suspicion aiding drugs gangs

THE LAW IS THE LAW: Guardia Civil officer doing his job CREDIT: Shutterstock

POLICE in the Andalucian city of Algeciras have arrested a senior Guardia Civil officer suspected of working with gangs to smuggle drugs through the Campo de Gibraltar area.

The Unified Association of Guardia Civil officers (AUGC) said the officer, a captain in the Judicial Police, should be allowed the presumption of innocence.

The officer is accused of disclosing secrets, misconduct in public office and belonging to an organised criminal entity.

The police union added it was ‘deeply concerned’ about the arrest and said the case would show how deeply organised crime had infiltrated into public bodies if it is proven.

“The depth of the threat of drug trafficking in Cadiz Province is of such magnitude that it requires a comprehensive permanent security plan that addresses the situation,” AUGC said.

The union claimed Interior Ministry measures taken up until now have been ‘absolutely ineffective’ in dealing with the issue.

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Joe Gerrard

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