Donkey work done as famous square reopens

© Ayuntamiento de Mijas

WHAY HAVE WE WAITED: After a long eight months, local businesses will now hope to reap the rewards of the refurbished square.

FOLLOWING eight seemingly endless months that have been dogged by controversy and chuntering from disgruntled residents and local business owners, plus the small matter of some archaeological findings, Plaza Virgen de la Peña in Mijas Pueblo is set to reopen on Thursday, August 4.

Naturally, this was the fault of the previous administration rather than the current incumbents, and it was left to heroic mayor, Juan Carlos Maldonado, to step in and calm his seething subjects and agree a series of measures with them, since the project was too far down the line to cancel.

He will now preside over the reopening of the famous square, with the president of the Andalucian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, Fernando Rodriguez, due at the town hall around 6.30pm to sign the municipal book of honour, after which a floral offering will be placed in the Virgin’s hermitage.

The officials will then make their way to the square itself for a live blessing by the local parish priest, Francisco Villasclaras, followed by a spot of singing and dancing as visitors peruse the temporary photographic exhibition which will adorn the space.

Having commenced in November 2015, the work has required an investment of some €4.7 million, being jointly funded by a state tourist investment fund, the Junta de Andalucia regional government, and the town council.

The square is now fully pedestrianised, with the pavilion having been shifted to a new spot, although there is still a dedicated space and a special lane reserved for the notorious donkey taxis.

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