Tower of strength

REMODELLING: Aimed to add a modern touch while keeping the tower’s original spirit in tact.

A TOWER in Huercal-Overa is taking over the world, one documentary and magazine at a time. 

The Vigia Tower, also known as ‘The Castle’, has been the subject of extensive renovation work over the last few years. The remodelling work aimed to provide modern touches to the tower while keeping its original spirit intact.  

The gamble seems to have paid off. Not only has the tower caught the attention of high-end publications like Casabela, Metamorphose, and C3, but last weekend it was the subject of a new Swiss documentary, which examined the importance of the tower from an architectural, archaeological, and touristic standpoint. 

Tourism Councillor Monica Navarro stated that “the recording of this documentary is yet another project that gives a boost to the image of our Castle. This will help the tower on its path towards gaining international recognition.”

The tower was originally constructed in the 14th century, and has been declared a Place of Cultural Interest. 

The tower is also famed for its Arbol de la Vida (The Tree of Life), a decorative element on one of the walls of the third floor of the tower. The Tree of Life has been seen as an iconographic representation of Islamic art and philosophy. 

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