Police express concern following drug delivery

Flickr, Pablo Fuentes Rodríguez

BATHERS at Manilva’s Tubalita beach were shocked on Saturday (September 26) to see a group of people calmly unloading drugs, but not shocked enough to bother calling the police, a Guardia Civil association has complained.

The Spanish Association of Civil Guards (AEGC) reported that a Zodiac boat arrived at the busy beach and people calmly moved an estimated 2,000 kilos of cannabis resin from the craft to a waiting van in full view of onlookers, who rather than calling the police snapped photos and recorded videos from their mobile phones.

“We’re worried that this is becoming such a common event. Time and again we have complained, and will continue to complain, about the lack of Guardia Civil staff, means and appropriate vehicles,” the association said.

The association has also demanded safer working conditions for officers on their daily duties: “We cannot put up with shared, unisex bullet-proof jackets with no hygienic measures during a level four terrorist alert.”

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