Major improvement campaign to be performed in the Axarquia

© Flickr by Jose Carlos Castro.

2 millions of euros that will be spent on a major improvement campaign across towns of the Axarquia.

ALMOST three years after being interrupted, the Axarquia region has just resumed its tourism campaign designed to continue promoting the region as a destination and put the spotlight on its cultural, natural and historical patrimony. 

The Junta de Andalucia Regional Government’s Tourism and Commerce Department, together with the Commonwealth of Axarquia-Costa del Sol Municipality, signed back in September an agreement to put in motion the Sustainable Tourism Initiative (ITS), which was launched in the area back in 2009. 

Between 2010 and 2014, a total of €4.3 million were spent in 16 different programmes across the Axarquia municipalities. This time, the ITS is expected to carry out at least 17 projects for a cost of €2 million, 60 per cent of which will be paid for by the Regional Government.

From the list of projects agreed during the last summer, the improvement in accessibility for Sayalonga’s Moorish Museum will not be carried out due to a lack of budget. 

However, the project in Algarrobo corresponding to the construction of its first Tourism Office is practically completed, and had a total cost of €66,670. 

Other projects include the improvement of Almachar’s Forfe Gardens (€72,901), and the renovation of hiking trails in Sedella (€64,394). Other municipalities which will benefit from projects are Canillas de Albaida, Alcaucin, Benamargosa, Iznate and Cutar amongst others. 

La Viñuela, Riogordo, Benamocarra, Frigiliana and Velez-Malaga are to receive the largest financial aids. In Viñuela, the water reservoir (pictured) is to be improved for a price of €328,357; the popular re-enactment of Christ’s passion of Riogordo (El Paso) will receive a total of €198,888 to improve the facilities where this play takes place; in Benamocarra, the natural monument of Cerro de La Jaula is to receive €168,000 for renovations, while the same amount will be received in Frigiliana to create a tourism information point. Finally, a total of €168,000 will be allocated in Velez-Malaga to create a centre of development for the agro-food sector. 

All these improvements will be completed with a promotional campaign and a budget of €79,228. They are expected to be finished by April of 2016. 

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