It’s never too late to improve your fitness

• Start off Slowly,
• Go at Your Pace
• Enjoy It.

IT is true that the earlier in your life you take on board regular exercise as a lifestyle choice, the easier it is to maintain your weight and more importantly body fat percentage as you get older.
If you have been regularly active in the past but not done any structured exercise for a good few years, the good news is that you can rely on your muscle memory.
I have trained clients in their mid 50s to 60s that had not done any exercise for ten years or longer. On their first fitness consultation, I would glean a fair amount of knowledge with regard to any sports or activities they had done previously, along with injuries or health issues accumulated along the way.
Once we started a training plan, although the first few sessions were the toughest, they would reap the benefit from the background of fitness they had built up previously. The brain doesn’t forget, it merely stores what it once learned and sends the signals back to the body in order to get the physical responses it requires to perform whatever task you have presented it with.
With a client who has never experienced a resistance training workout (weights), I may have them on a flat bench performing chest presses, and their arms will generally wobble all over the place as their muscles ask their brain, what the heck is going on?
Performing the motion slowly with correct technique and tempo, over a few sessions, their body learns to control the weights and the movement, and this is progress.

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Euro Weekly News Media

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