Altea council in compensation row

ALTEA City Council is refusing to pay compensation to the family of a little girl who fell in La Carrasca park in October 2014.
According to the child’s parents, the five-year-old stumbled on a section of uneven rubber floor that was raised by two centimetres, falling and cutting her head on one of the decorative iron looped dwarf borders that edge the flower beds in the park.
The little girl sustained two deep cuts on her right cheek and brow. The General Hospital in Alicante assessed the wounds and the child was referred to a plastic surgeon. Two days later, the parents lodged a claim for compensation citing the poor condition of the play area.
Insurers MAPFRE rejected the claim on April 9 as the consistory contended that the iron border has no sharp edges and also the child had been injured while playing on the large scale toy train in the park, a statement that is supported by a police report. Her parents have now produced a number of witnesses to confirm the little girl was nowhere near the train at the time of the accident.
An average of 60 youngsters play in the park every day. The park is presently in the process of being completely reformed. Work has begun to develop two separate play areas and also a sport track in addition to a decorative fountain, benches and shady pergolas.

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