Fatal motorbike accidents in Asturias

A GUARDIA CIVIL police officer died on Monday September 1 in Montegrande, Asturias.

The victim was off duty at the time and riding a civilian motorbike when for unknown reasons, after an open curve, he lost control ofthe vehicle and drifted into the opposite lane.

The accident was at 6.50pm at kilometre 2.8 of the AS-237 dual-carriageway that links Tamón with Cancienes.

The driver of the truck was unharmed and nothing could be done to avoid the head-on collision. Pieces of the bike were spread all over the place and the body was found lifeless in a ditch.

Another accident, also in Asturias, was registered that night around 1.30am when a 50-year-old resident of Grandas de Salime also died on the AS-34 road that links the cities of Berducedo and A Mesa.

In this second accident the rider of the motorbike hit the slope, resulting in his death. 

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