Listen to your elders…


IT IS not only a national scandal, but an almost inexplicable waste in the way the British treat their elderly citizens.

Cast aside like bundles of old, no longer fashionable, clothes, they are stuck out of sight by younger generations, who not only hold no respect or time for them, but often regard them as an embarrassment.

All that wealth of experience with positive treasure troves of knowledge, completely discarded to make way for new generations, bristling with inexperience and for the most part arrogant enough to believe they will not only make better life decisions, but will also stay young forever.

Ha! Give us a break. This blatant disregard of human experience is slowing the progress of the West at an alarming rate. I don’t know of any life situation or business that has prospered by starting completely afresh every few years!

I still vividly remember a wonderful example of elderly acumen when, despite an inability to keep up with modern technology, back in the mid-sixties I received truly sound advice from the voice of real experience. My dear old Granddad was 99 when I went to visit him, on what was sadly the last occasion. He lay in his hospital bed, looking extremely frail, but still bearing a wonderfull head of hair. He was a very successful butcher and always maintained that greasy hands rubbed through his hair on a daily basis was responsible. (Gawd!)

Mind you that’s all Brylcream was, scented grease!

He greeted me with a wide beaming face and told me he had heard me singing on the ‘wireless’ that morning. “Bloody warz,” he exclaimed. “I heard you singing on the wireless at 6.30 this morning. I can remember the time you couldn’t even get out of bed till half past ten!” Lovely.

Just before I left he gestured me to come closer. I bent down. Putting his mouth right next to my ear he then uttered words that, had I truly taken his advice, would have undoubtedly stood me in extremely good future stead. “Put yer money in bricks and mortar,” he whispered conspiratorially. Ah Granddad, 99 years of experience and I didn’t take it. Take fare warning all you youngsters; ignore the knowledge of those who manifested long before you at your peril. The successful Asian races don’t.

Could you all do everyone a favour and give nothing at all to these East European beggars, who are multiplying like fleas on our streets and thoroughfares? They are a blight on the landscape, a filthy disgrace and a professionally organised racket. Personally I find it extremely disconcerting to find the same grubby hand recently shoved out for coppers, later holding to a filthy ear, a mobile phone I couldn’t even afford myself!

Keep the faith.

Love Leapy.

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Euro Weekly News Media

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