Safety tips for vacationers


THE National Police have advised citizens to take extra safety precautions this summer in order to avoid problems during their vacations. Never check-in luggage for others, do not trust games of chance on the streets, nor people selling valuable objects or winning lottery tickets. These are just some of the pieces of advice the police are giving citizens to protect themselves from being victims of crime this year. 


Thieves often take advantage of the situations in which people are away at the beach or travelling. Sharing vacation plans on social networks on the Internet can compromise a home’s safety; however locking doors, even for brief absences, can be very helpful to prevent this. Also, when on vacation, making the house seem occupied as well as having someone check up on the house can protect a home from being singled out by opportunists. Even while in hotels or cruise ships, the same precautions should be made to avoid making theft easy. 


The police also recommend people to only take what they strictly need when at the beach or swimming pool and to be aware of where their belongings are at all times. 

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Euro Weekly News Media

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