Oh what a week it has been

MY my…That certainly was the week that was in Britain.

We had the Osborne pasty VAT affair.

‘Red Ken’ Livingston declaring he wanted London to become ‘a beacon for Islam!’ A completely disruptive non-strike by tanker drivers.

Cameron copping colossal bungs for noshing with nitwits and the totally unbelievable election of George Galloway in Bradford.

Difficult to know where to start really.

Well, the ‘pasty affair’ isn’t really worth wasting cyber space on.

The idea of the Chancellor of the Exchequer actually sitting in the portals pondering over a tax on pasties simply defies the imagination.

As for Red Ken; the disturbing part of his `beacon’ outburst is that he actually believes he could win with the Muslim voters on his side.

Well, who are we to argue? As for the strike; the story of the woman, unfortunately burned while filtering petrol in her kitchen got me.

She announced her intention to sue for compensation because a government minister recommended storing a bit of petrol in the home!

I mean just how brainwashed are some members of the public?

I wonder just how many would actually top themselves if the government did a ‘Heaven’s Gate’ and told em that after they were dead there was a UFO waiting for them in the wake of the comet Hale-Bop?

On the strength of that example a great deal more than you would think I shouldn’t wonder.

And so we come to Mr. Galloway.

This of course is the most disturbing event of all. This is the scenario I have been ‘ranting’ on about for the last 20 years.

What I find even more worrying is the mentality of the Muslim voters who no doubt got him elected.

In my view they have voted for a complete buffoon, albeit a very dangerous one.

In ten years or so, when this scenario is repeated in towns across the UK, can you imagine the caliber of the elected representatives?

Of course, before that happens there surely will be civil war, the British public simply won’t stand for it.

Twenty years ago when I warned of the possibility of this outcome.

I was laughed at, jibed at. Called a ranting loony and then some.

Not very much similar reaction of late I may add.

If you’re still not convinced I suggest you watch a short documentary on YouTube.

Just type in ‘Stacey Dooley Luton’.

Some weeks ago I put this extract on my Facebook. Since then I have received the same piece by a large number of people who have been shocked and indeed horrified by its content.

Give it a whirl and see what we are all really up against.

Thanks for all your mail. Although I may not reply, I do read them all.

Keep it coming and whatever ya do.
Always keep the faith.
Love Leapy

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