A Close Encounter Of The Donald Kind

This week I was planning to write about the comparative differences between the philosophies of Nietzsche, Wittgenstein and Schopenhauer. Quite brief. Provocative. And thrilling. You’d have loved it. Trust me. I’m a journo…Never mind!

But then I read somewhere that an elite unit of around 20 SAS soldiers is being trained to tackle a range of “alternative threats” – including the possibility of contact with extra-terrestrials.

I really don’t know why some people are so certain aliens don’t exist. Personally, I’ve an open mind; just because I’ve never seen one doesn’t mean it isn’t there. For instance, I’ve never seen Dominic Cummings but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t exist, does it? And Boris Johnson, is he a figment of my imagination too? No, hang on, I have met him!

In many early, low-budget, science-fiction classics like “The Invaders”, “Invasion Of The Body Snatchers”, “Quatermass 2”, the alien invaders had the power to assume human form. Maybe some migrants still making for the UK aren’t just from other lands but other planets? After all, according to the 2011 census, the UK alone underwent its biggest population surge after a decade of mass immigration.

Some even believe many ‘alien migrants’, collectively, are known as Members of Parliament since they often sound like they’re on another planet. Well, perhaps that’s because they are.

Next we’ll read Europe’s bad weather is the fault of aliens. Their UFOs moved the jet stream south. Anyway, let’s hope they’ve brought their snow boots and fleeces with them if they’re visiting the UK at the moment.

Really! Stories like these – head in bucket of sand comes to mind – do bring the, err, crazies out. What real news are we being distracted from? Elvis has been spotted on the moon – again? Slebs really do write their own novels? And Donald Trump’s still refusing to accept the election result or attend Biden’s inauguration? No, hang on, that is true!

Yes, politicians are strange. Alien-like. And with us. And, unlike the SAS, we’ve ALREADY got the proof

Nora Johnson’s psychological crime thrillers ‘No Safe Place’, ‘Betrayal’, ‘The Girl in the Woods’, ‘The Girl in the Red Dress’, ‘No Way Back’, ‘Landscape of Lies’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Soul Stealer’, ‘The De Clerambault Code’ (www.nora-johnson.net) available online as eBook (€0.99;£0.99), Apple Books, paperback & audiobook.All profits to Costa del Sol Cudeca cancer charity  

Written by

Nora Johnson

Novelist Nora Johnson offers insights on everything from current affairs to life in Spain, with humour and a keen eye for detail.
