Grumpy man’s rant about lockdown

Well here we are again, week whatever it is of lockdown and to be honest, although I’ve tried to take the attitude of ‘keep calm and carry on’ and ‘we are all in this together’ etc. I’ve actually had enough now. Not with the fact that we have a worldwide pandemic and we have to be sensible but what’s making me grumpy is the confusion that is out there. This is mostly because the press keeps putting stuff out that this unnamed source said this and this unconfirmed said that.

Most turns out to be totally untrue and in some cases achieve nothing but fill a few column inches. This confuses people even more and can actually be damaging. It doesn’t help, of course, that a rule by the government here made on one day is then rumoured to be going to change the next day. So today for instance because I’m over 70 I can go for a walk with Mrs S at 7pm but I’ve now heard that as it’s too hot for younger people to go out earlier we may lose that slot to them. I don’t know if it’s true or not but if it is I have to ask why? Why is my well-being not as important as anybody else’s? I don’t want to be limited to only going out at 10–12 in the morning because it’s too hot. There’s so much confusion.

I’ve now just heard that I should try and use my exercise time to walk the dog as well but he stops every few feet and that’s no good to me. Now, if I had a bike I could go further and longer but I haven’t so I can’t. My pal, who owns a bar/cafe doesn’t know exactly if he can open yet or not and if he does can anyone come at any time or only when they are allowed out? The CAB Facebook page is about as good as it gets but just reading it you can see that not everybody is understanding it all. There is no point either in slagging off or being rude to someone because you think their comment or question is not worthy. And remember the CAB guys are volunteers and are working at full steam to keep us informed and I thank them very much for everything they do and especially Myra, who I share a slot with on Talk Radio Europe every other Friday at 11.30.

Written by

Mike Senker

Grumpy Old Man Mike Senker provokes laughter and some groans with his spot on observations of life in the modern age.
