Plains clothes police attacked by mob in violent incident in Alicante Spain

A MOB attack on two plain clothes police officers in  Alicante city Spain resulted in five arrests.

The two officers were driving in a camouflaged vehicle on Calle Periodista Francisco Bas Mingot in the Juan XXIII Segundo Sector neighbourhood of the city in Spain when they beeped a car which had stopped in the road to get out the way. There was a verbal altercation, prompting the officers to get out of their car to identify the individuals who have since been detained.

That’s when it got violent. A number of others appeared. They kicked theSpanish police officers to the ground, grabbed their walkie-talkies, and even stole a mobile phone.

One of the Spanish officers suffered injuries to his face from the blows.

The detainees now face charges for attacking a police officer, causing bodily harm and violent robbery and will face trial in Spain.
