Tax Haven Clean Up

On the tax haven Isle Of Man, residents will this morning attempt to clear up after the island was devastated by storm waters.

In scenes reminiscent of what was seen just a couple of weeks ago on Spains Costa Blanca, homes were torn apart by flooding causing massive damages to properties.
A major incident was declared yesterday by the islands government as residents were trapped in their homes as river banks burst.
The village of Laxley was totally cut off as waters flooded through the streets.
Emergency services assisted as the evacuated residents from their upstairs bedroom windows as the deep flood rose.
Although even the fire brigade had their own issues as their large bulky fire engines were literally washed down the road out of control.

As the clear-up operation begins, home affairs chief executive Dan Davies thanked the “amazing people” who had “worked tirelessly since early this morning, ensuring people are kept safe”.

“As we enter the recovery phase, colleagues will still be hard at work, helping to make the area safe, clear up the damage and repair infrastructure and ensure people have places to stay,” he added.
